How Montessori Method Can Solve the Problem?

Why is TulSun promoting Montessori for children with disabillities?


This issue is not understood by many people, but Montessori method solves a number of problematic issues in the upbringing of children with disabilities. At the beginning of this year we opened the first Montessori room for children from Mostishchen Special Secondary School – Boarding Level I-II and for today we have already received a lot of evidence that in the project “Montessori for Everyone” our children are on the right way of their development.


The Montessori method allows tho use all the child`s senses, as well as Montessori materials help children learn and explore the world with their hands. If a child needs an additional school year, then with the help of Montessori method it will be easy to realize and the child will not feel like a «backward». And also one of Montessori principle of «follow the child» allows children to work at their own pace, without competitions, test results and grades.


The Montessori method teaches children to cooperate with each other and to coexist peacefully. It’s a chance for every child with disabilities to get a high level of preparation for an adult independent life!

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