Children Continue to Attend Additional Classes in Summer

Education is a tool for success?!


There is truth in these words, and we think that taking a break from learning something is not a good idea. If at least one child did not understand something in educational program during the past school year, then summer is the best time to solve complex mathematical tasks and read all unread books.


That is why in summer our children from Makariv District Center of Social Support for Children and Families “Promin Nadii” and Sonechko Social Rehabilitation Center in cooperation with TulSun Foundation, continue to attend additional classes with teachers according to school program course. Several times per week children are visited by teachers of mathematics, English and Ukrainian languages, music art and violin, as well as teachers of computer science and speech therapy in order to give classes for children both in groups and individually.


TulSun Foundation is very proud of our children and we believe that thanks to summer additional classes, every child will be able to boast the knowledge in one or more school subjects after this holidays.

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03038, Kyiv,

Protasiv Yar Street,

Building 8, Office 130


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