Bathroom Renovation Started in Burty Orphanage

Today is a good day for “repair” news!


We have actively started bathroom renovation in Sonechko Social Rehabilitation Center. But in the repair process, we changed our plans and decided to do even better than we originally planned. Therefore, our team together with the director of the orphanage made the decision to make the premises redevelopment in addition to the bathroom renovation, as well as to install filters for water purification of iron, because children need better living conditions.


Now, the orphans will not have one small toilet, but two. And the little bathroom with the shower cabin had a little reformatted and moved to the one next door room. According to the hygienic conditions, it will be much better for our kids to have a large bathroom which can be visited simultaneously by two girls and they will be comfortable there.


This is just the beginning of our big “repair” story. In the future we will inform about all the details regarding bathroom renovation for sharing these moments with you!

Connecting Orphans With Sports Professions
Stages II and III of Annual Rehabilitation Course for Six Children Done
612,015.80 UAH Spent on the Rehabilitation of Six Disabled Children in 2023

Forum Victoria Park,

Okhtyrskyi Lane 7, 

Kyiv, Ukraine, 03680


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