A Large-Scale Project “Montessori For Everyone” for Kids with Disabilities

TulSun Foundation is launching a large-scale project “Montessori for Everyone” for kids with special needs from Mostishchen Special Secondary School – Boarding Level I-II.

Have you ever thought of how important are such elementary skills, as holding a spoon, or making a bed, or taking care of our hygiene – these things become unnoticed habits for us with time. But for special kids these things can be challenging. Adaptation and learning for children with limited abilities is extremely important and requires special approach with focus on easy and comfortable learning atmosphere.

Such conditions can be provided via Montessori classrooms and pedagogy, which help special children to learn skills that are extremely important in life.

The Montessori method helps mastering many important skills like writing, reading, creative thinking. All that – in a friendly atmosphere based on the inner motivation of each child.

Stay with us to know all about the stages of the project implementation! We will share with you all the results of Montessori method achievements in working with special children!

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