UAH 7 277.00 was Spent on Second Medical Check-Up for 10 Orphans

UAH 7 277.00 provided by our partner Music Unites ensured the second stage of medical examination for 10 orphans!

Thanks to financial support from Music Unites, 10 children from the Avramenko Family-Type Orphanage completed a full medical examination in 2024 at Universum Clinic and the Ocular ophthalmological center.

The examination program included:
• gynecologist consultation;
• endocrinologist consultation;
• dermatologist consultation;
• cardiologist consultation;
• ECG and echocardiography;
• ophthalmologist consultation;
• keratography;
• revaccination.

Each child received comprehensive recommendations from qualified doctors to improve their health. Thanks to the significant contribution of Music Unites, our wards will start the New Year healthy!

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Protasiv Yar Street,

Building 8, Office 130


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