UAH 29,337 was Spent on Modular Equipment for 44 Disabled Children

UAH 29,337 has been invested in modular equipment for children with disabilities!

Thanks to the facilitate of Myriad USA, the TulSun Foundation is delighted to enhance the lives of children with disabilities through the implementation of the “Kids & Abilities” grant project.

As a result of this funding, 44 kids from Mostishen Special School have gained access to new equipment, including:

• a gymnastics box obstacle course;
• a modular pyramid;
• a balance path “Snake”;
• a fish set for bubble columns.

For children facing unique challenges, specialized equipment plays a crucial role in their development. Exercises on this equipment improve physical and cognitive abilities, self-esteem, and social skills, while bright colors and dynamic elements stimulate the senses, concentration, and coordination.

Tulsun Foundation Annual Financial Report for 2024
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