TulSun Foundation Spent UAH 21 707.22 on Water Purification for Children

Every person begins to think about the quality of water only when it becomes a personal problem or the water starts to spoil the bathroom plumbing. TulSun Foundation team faced a similar situation before starting bathroom renovation in the Sonechko Social Rehabilitation Center. Of course, the solution was clear – we need a quality water filter!


Today the bathroom renovation is in the stage of a new plumbing installation, which clearly requires “new” water supply. The high iron content degrades the organoleptic properties of the water, spoils the taste of tea and coffee, gives a yellow shade of laundry and makes the water completely unsuitable for use. But that’s not the worst part! Every sip of that water is bad for the children`s health, and that’s the best motivation to act for us.


In the near future will be more news regarding the final bathroom renovation report! You should definitely see it, so stay in touch.

UAH 50,260.80 Was Raised to Partially Cover the Expenses of Medical Examination and Treatment for Orphans in the Kyiv Region
16 Children With Disabilities have Completed the І Stage of a Year-Long Rehabilitation Course. Parent Testimonials
Become a Force for Good: Help Ukrainian Orphans Stay Healthy

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Building 8, Office 130



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