TulSun Foundation Financial Report

Within the framework of “Healthy Journe” project in December 2019, TulSun Foundation in partnership with Dental Clinic “Specter” began the program for dental treatment of 27 children from Makariv District Center of Social Support for Children and Families “Promin Nadii”.

First dental consultation showed that all children needed removing dental calculus (caries) and 17 of them needed additional long-term serious treatment.


Manipulations performed:


  • teeth x-ray;
  • treatment of deep/medium caries (some children had 8 bad teeth each);
  • teeth restoration;
  • dental canal filling;
  • teeth crowns;


Now we are pleased to announce that after 4 months of treatment, our children can finally wear beautiful and healthy smiles.


TulSun Foundation expenses for dental treatment totaled 62 700 UAH (2 307$).


But it is not the final sum, because sadly new children are constantly entering to the orphanage, and often they also need treatment.


We are grateful to all our partners who support the TulSun Foundation through charitable donations. Thanks to you the children can have such necessary medical care!

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03038, Kyiv,

Protasiv Yar Street,

Building 8, Office 130



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