TulSun Foundation Announces the Start of “Ready for School” Project

“Ready for School” project is about to start!


TulSun Foundation has its annual tradition! Every year our team together with our partners prepare children from rehabilitation centers and special schools for the new school year. And this year is no exception! Our children should start the school year fully prepared and have no needs during the school year.


TulSun Foundation invites everyone at corporate or individual level who could be interested to be a part of this important social tradition. Together with you we will be able to buy stationery and school supplies, daily school clothes and other necessary equipment that will be useful to every child during the school year!


If you want to join the project “Ready for School”, so do not hold off this possibility until later and contact us immediately in any convenient way for you:

📞 +38 (093) 822 88 98
📩 info@tulsun.foundation

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Protasiv Yar Street,

Building 8, Office 130



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