Start of Roof and Montessori Room Renovation in Trypillya Orphanage

The countdown to the second Montessori room opening has begun!


Last week, the construction workers had already started preparing for the roof and future Montessori room repair works at the Trypillia Training and Rehabilitation Centre. They quickly dismantled the old floor, wallpapers and brought in all the necessary building materials. So for the next two or three weeks, at school will be a little bit noisy because of repair works.


In addition to the room renovation, the roof of the orphanage is also in need of repair. Through certain roof problems, in the future the children may lose Montessori’s room, because every rain is the cause of the flooding of almost the entire second floor. Therefore, the TulSun Foundation team quickly decided to renovation of the orphanage`s roof along with the future Montessori room.


Follow the news from TulSun Foundation and do not miss every implementation step of the future Montessori room!

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