Ready for School! Fastiv Rehabilitation Center – All Stars Boxing Club and TEFFI Law

Project “Ready for school” continues its charitable mission!

On the 1st of September the TulSun Foundation together with partners, All Stars Boxing Club and TEFFI Law Firm, visited the Fastiv Training and Rehabilitation Center and gave all the necessary school things to 144 children with special needs.

Although due to quarantine precautions, we were not able to gift the presents to each child personally, kids received the sets of school supplies on their return to the center.

Friends, we are infinitely grateful for your efforts! Thanks to your time and effort to buy all so needed school things, children are well equipped for the new school year and can study properly.

We wish our children success in their learning and never worry about having nothing to write with or wear to school!

TulSun admires its partners who have been giving children support and love for many years! You do something really big for children’s future!

Tulsun Foundation Annual Financial Report for 2024
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Christmas Gifts for 10 Kids from the Luzhetska N.M. Family-Type Orphanage

03038, Kyiv,

Protasiv Yar Street,

Building 8, Office 130


Our Projects