Photos from International Children`s Day Celebrations in Burty Orphanage

How long each of you have not releasing out to play your “inner child”? Last week, every member of the TulSun Foundation team realized how important it to releases.


Last week, TulSun Foundation organized an event for orphans to celebrate International Children`s Day. Our team visited children in the Sonechko Social Rehabilitation Center and we spent the whole day with them!


We have organized various activities for children in the open air format. Even not the best weather conditions have not prevented our plans. Also our little friends, together with their violin teacher Evgenia Atamas, have prepared for us an incredible concert program. The day culminated in a picnic and a friendly atmosphere with the marshmallow around the campfire.


But the photo report from that day will show more interesting moments. Thanks to the photo report you will be able to feel all the emotions we experienced that day. And it will help you to understand how important is to find free time for giving to those who really need it.

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