Pfizer Provided Children With Household Appliances

Pharmaceutical company Pfizer has acquired household appliances to support the needs of socially vulnerable children!

This week, thanks to the generous support of our partner, the lives of three social institutions in the Kyiv region have changed for the better. Eight children at the Sonechko Social Rehabilitation Center received a new washing machine, as the old one had long since served its purpose and could no longer handle the workload. Now, clean laundry is not just a necessity but also a small celebration for them.

In the Luzhetska N.M. Family-Type Orphanage, the smell of freshly baked pancakes now fills the air. The new gas stove has become a true lifesaver for 10 children during prolonged power outages. And for 45 children with disabilities from the Mostishchen Special School, the opportunity to take a warm shower has become a reality, thanks to the new boiler.

Every hryvnya invested by Pfizer has turned into smiles on children’s faces and words of gratitude. We are immensely grateful to our partner for their sensitivity and quick response to the children`s needs!

UAH 50,260.80 Was Raised to Partially Cover the Expenses of Medical Examination and Treatment for Orphans in the Kyiv Region
16 Children With Disabilities have Completed the І Stage of a Year-Long Rehabilitation Course. Parent Testimonials
Become a Force for Good: Help Ukrainian Orphans Stay Healthy

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Protasiv Yar Street,

Building 8, Office 130


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