New Year Gifts for Kids of Burty Orphanage from Premier Palace Hotel Kyiv

And this is not all New Year gifts!


Our wonderful partner Premier Palace Hotel Kyiv also joined our festive marathon of gifts. On the New Year Eve holidays the hotel team presented happiness to children of Sonechko Social Rehabilitation Center in the form of New Year gifts. The happiness of children was not in the limits, because they got what they wanted!


Our little friends found gifts under the Christmas tree with sports clothes, jeans, shoes, winter shoes, tunics, warm tights and even with a smart watch. And then they ran into their rooms to quickly dressed up and presented smiles to us in the new outfits.


TulSun Foundation is sincerely grateful to its partner Premier Palace Hotel Kyiv for the care and attention to our kids!

UAH 50,260.80 Was Raised to Partially Cover the Expenses of Medical Examination and Treatment for Orphans in the Kyiv Region
16 Children With Disabilities have Completed the І Stage of a Year-Long Rehabilitation Course. Parent Testimonials
Become a Force for Good: Help Ukrainian Orphans Stay Healthy

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Protasiv Yar Street,

Building 8, Office 130


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