Kit of Sweets from Teffi Law Firm

We can’t believe that it’s almost the end of this year. Every child is waiting for a little miracle called the New Year.

TulSun Foundation is grateful Teffi Law Firm for such pleasant gifts as a kit of sweets for our children from Makariv District Center of Social Support for Children and Families “Promin Nadii”.

It is very important that children would to feel full attention and care, especially during the holidays. They have to believe that their little dreams can come true!

16 Children With Disabilities have Completed the І Stage of a Year-Long Rehabilitation Course. Parent Testimonials
Become a Force for Good: Help Ukrainian Orphans Stay Healthy
Medical Findings. Was the Year-Long, Four-Stage Rehabilitation Effective for the Three Children with Disabilities?

03038, Kyiv,

Protasiv Yar Street,

Building 8, Office 130


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