Introduction Lesson “Me and My Body” to Sex Education Course

Do you know how babies are born?


Under this slogan was our recent visit to the children from Makariv District Center of Social Support for Children and Families “Promin Nadii”. As a part of “Healthy Journey” project, our incredible medical partner UNIVERSUM.CLINIC realized our long-standing dream of providing sex education for orphans. It happened even better than we thought! Thanks to sex education specialist Stanislav Kravchuk the first lecture took place in a very friendly atmosphere.


Within an hour, the children became acquainted with Stanislav, told a little about themselves and listened to the introductory lecture “I and My Body” to sex education. In the near future, the specialist will build a plan for each age category of children and according to this plan will be held lessons during a fixed period on a long-term basis.


TulSun Foundation thanks its partner UNIVERSUM.CLINIC for its assistance in implementing sex education course and constant support of our ideas!

UAH 50,260.80 Was Raised to Partially Cover the Expenses of Medical Examination and Treatment for Orphans in the Kyiv Region
16 Children With Disabilities have Completed the І Stage of a Year-Long Rehabilitation Course. Parent Testimonials
Become a Force for Good: Help Ukrainian Orphans Stay Healthy

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Building 8, Office 130


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