How to Check a Charity Organization?

It always feels good to donate to a charity but it often comes with a fear of being taken advantage of by fraudsters. That is why the TulSun Foundation team has created a small note for those, who want to keep their donations out of the hands of con artists:


1. First of all, don’t trust those who collect money in public places.
2. Real volunteers can work at major events and the organizers of these events can confirm it.
3. Do not respond to personal e-mails from strangers, even if they contain a photo of a child and some paperwork.
4. Take few seconds to look critically on social media fundraisers before you repost them, see if something feels foul.
5. Ask a few simple questions, for instance, for whom/what cause they money is intended, how they’re planning to spend the money, where the receipts can be seen. You should receive clear, straight answers from those who collect money. Observe their reaction – see if they’re getting defensive.
6. Always check the activity of the foundation on whose behalf the collection is carried out, go to their social media and website. Use websites like to see how old is the domain name and to what country it belongs. See if it matches the country where the foundation has its headquarters.
7. Specify the exact person/cause that should receive your donation with an accompanying message.
8. Do a quick google search of the fundraiser and see if it pops up in any forum threads/news articles.
9. And finally, don’t give up on charity, even if you’ve been deceived before.


As in any other sphere of life, without healthy skepticism it is impossible to choose a quality service or product. Charity work must be done with a cold head and a warm heart!

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16 Children With Disabilities have Completed the І Stage of a Year-Long Rehabilitation Course. Parent Testimonials
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