Help for the Team of Volunteers “Brave to rebuild”

Helping the initiative of “Brave to rebuild” to restore life in destroyed places!


The TulSun Foundation is taking a new step in its mission of helping those in need. Recently, our team conducted a study to determine how we can be even more useful to society. And the results showed that there is one volunteer initiative that needs urgent help – “Brave to rebuild”.


This initiative consists of a team of volunteers working to restore residential buildings and social institutions in the Kyiv region that were damaged by the war. They are dismantling rubble and repairing buildings so that people can return to their homes and ordinary lives. Every day, this team uses 250 bags, but it does not have enough resources to continue its work without outside help. That is why the TulSun Foundation decided to take an atypical step for the foundation – to help this initiative.


Soon we will announce the details of our assistance. Follow our news and support those who really need it!

Tulsun Foundation Annual Financial Report for 2024
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Christmas Gifts for 10 Kids from the Luzhetska N.M. Family-Type Orphanage

03038, Kyiv,

Protasiv Yar Street,

Building 8, Office 130


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