Gratitude to TulSun Foundation from the Mostishchen Orphanage

“To believe in goodness, you have to start doing good” (с)


And you know what? The great man who said that phrase was absolutely right. Many years our team have been helping children and it is the main mission of TulSun Foundation. But if someone are grateful for our help and work, after that we understand that our efforts are not in vain!


At the beginning of June our team together with TulSun Foundation founder Karel Kinds visited Mostishchen Special Secondary School – Boarding Level I-II. During this visit, a moving event occurred that caused our team tears of joy. The director of the school has officially gave our team a Сertificate with Gratitude on behalf of all children and staff of the school.


We are incredibly happy to help children and to do everything possible and impossible for them to have a bright and successful future!

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03038, Kyiv,

Protasiv Yar Street,

Building 8, Office 130


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