Flu Vaccinations – Orphanage “Promin Nadii”

The lockdown in Ukraine is finally over! TulSun Foundation together with Універсум Клінік Universum Clinic Универсум Клиник specialists continue to care for children’s health!

Yesterday, as a part of the “Healthy Journey” project, the TulSun Foundation together with the Універсум Клінік Universum Clinic Универсум Клиник specialists visited children and graduates of the Makariv District Center of Social Support for Children and Families “Promin Nadii” in order to perform flu vaccinations.

Apart from flu vaccinations, all children have been examined by a pediatrician and we are happy that the health of our kids is under the care of specialists such as Універсум Клінік Universum Clinic Универсум Клиник .

Take care of your loved ones, especially children! They are our future!

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03038, Kyiv,

Protasiv Yar Street,

Building 8, Office 130



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