Earlier this week, three children from the Sonechko Social Rehabilitation Center visited an ophthalmology clinic to examine eyes. Ophthalmologist Gulizar Seydametova checked the functions of binocular vision and eyes refraction.
Unfortunately, each of these children has strabismus of varying degrees of complexity. Fortunately, with the help of the professional skills of Gulizar Seydametova we will be able to fix the problems these children have. We got detailed recommendation and treatment prescriptions. Children should wear properly selected glasses and do appropriate exercises to correct vision. But in 6 months, one girl will need surgery treatment in order to fix difficult strabismus.
All stages of treatment will be under control of our professional ophthalmologist Gulizar Seydametova. And we are really thankful to Gulizar for joining our medical project “Healthy Journey” and providing free eyes checkups for our kids.
If you want to be involved in our medical project and help with the eye’s treatment of these kids, please contact TulSun Foundation directly.