Boxing Training from All Stars Boxing Club

“I want to be engaged in boxing!” (с)


TulSun Foundation team heard these words from Angelina, who has graduated from Makariv District Center of Social Support for Children and Families “Promin Nadii” last year. Our superpartners All Stars Boxing Club offered to make a girl`s dream and teach her the art of boxing free of charge.


A wonderful person Aleksey Elohin will be the coach for Angelina. Three times a week Aleksey Elohin will meeting with the girl at group classes in All Stars Boxing Club. Yesterday Angelina had a visit to her coach, who conducted her a small excursion and told about all the club possibilities, in which she will be able to take part.


From today we will share with you sports achievements of our graduation. We wish Angelina success in achieving great heights in sport!

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