Speech Therapy Classes at Makariv Orphanage as a Part of “Smart & Creative” Project

As part of the TulSun Foundation project “Smart & Creative”, we are introducing speech therapy classes in Makariv District Center of Social Support for Children and Families “Promin Nadii”!

Teacher-defectologist Melnychuk Marina will work with the youngest children who, in addition to non-verbalizing, also have psycho-neurological diagnoses (mental disabilities). Marina will also deal with children who do not speak at all or have disorders of pronunciation, incorrect lexical and grammatical speech structuring.

There will be 12 game and training speech therapy classes each week. The educational program will include work on the mobility of the articulatory apparatus, development of phonemic hearing, lexical and grammatical structure of speech, development of coherent speech and stimulation of mental processes.

More detailed information about the program of speech therapy classes will be in our next news! Follow TulSun Foundation and stay up to date with our projects!

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