An Important Step in the Supporting Disabled Kids!

An important step in our mission to support children with disabilities!


TulSun Foundation has exciting news about an important step in our mission to support disabled kids from the Kyiv region. Our team is preparing to launch a new project, which we consider to be one of our most significant achievements. Despite the war in Ukraine and all the difficulties, we have done everything possible to make our dream a reality.


We sincerely hope that our project will make a great contribution to the development of well-being for children with disabilities in Ukraine. We cannot disclose all the details at this time, but we promise to keep you informed of every step we take on the way to its implementation.


So, do you have any guesses as to what this project might be? Let it remain a secret, but we can only say one thing: we are confident that this project will make a significant contribution to the lives of disabled children in Ukraine. Follow us to be the first to know about our mission and the projects we create.

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03038, Kyiv,

Protasiv Yar Street,

Building 8, Office 130


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