About New Medical Project “Healthy Journey” by TulSun Foundation

“Healthy Journey” is a medical project by TulSun Foundation concentrated on bringing healthy future for Ukrainian children in orphanages.

The project started in September 2019 as a result of the Foundation’s long work with orphanages. During this work, through the prism of other projects, we looked at the conditions in which children live, saw their real needs, and realized that, above all, they were seriously deprived from the quality health care.

Together with our partner Універсум Клінік Universum Clinic Универсум Клиник, we have launched a thorough medical examination for a focus group of 30 children from orphanages that the TulSun Foundation has been supporting for over three years.

Starting from today, we will be sharing with you all the details of the kids’ examination and treatment, and how the “Healthy Journey” project has affected their lives.

Get involved! Join “Healthy Journey”! Only by assembling our efforts together it will become possible to achieve the high goal of providing effective medical care to all children who need it.

You can donate and help providing medical treatment to Ukrainian orphans!

Learn more about the project here: https://tulsun.foundation/?project=healthy-journey

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03038, Kyiv,

Protasiv Yar Street,

Building 8, Office 130



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