A Psychologist Sessions During Quarantine

Unfortunately, due to quarantine, TulSun Foundation projects had to be put on hold.
We are counting the days till the situation gets better and will be able to dive back into charity work with orphanages.


But we also have good news!
Within the framework of the “Healthy Journey” project, we are able to continue a psychologist sessions with our children. “Healthy Journey” specialist continues to provide psychological lessons via video communication.


Topics that are currently beeing covered with children are the following: “What is COVID-2019?”, “Which rules should to follow during quarantine?», “What the kids should do when it is forbidden to go out?”


We miss our kids so much and hope to see them soon!


If you have ideas how to help them during the quarantine, don’t hesitate to contact us.

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03038, Kyiv,

Protasiv Yar Street,

Building 8, Office 130



Our Projects