40,626.00 UAH spent on scheduled medical check-ups for orphans!
As part of the “Healthy Journey” project, seven children from the Sonechko Social Rehabilitation Center underwent annual check-ups under the supervision of a team of top doctors at the clinic of our professional partner UNIVERSUM.CLINIC.
During their visit, the children received:
• general urine and blood tests, ferritin, glucose;
• pediatric consultation;
• dermatology consultation;
• otolaryngology examination;
• endoscopic examination of the nasopharynx and ear;
• total IgE (general allergy marker);
• rhino cytogram;
• ear wax removal;
• flu vaccination;
• routine vaccinations.
Since 2019, the UNIVERSUM.CLINIC team has been providing our wards with the annual opportunity to undergo a high-quality medical examination and receive necessary treatment. Join TulSun Foundation to bring goodness into this world together!