$3,685 Were Used to Acquire an Interactive Table

3 685 доларів витрачено на інтерактивний столик для дітей з інвалідністю!

$3,685 for an interactive table for children with disabilities!

Recognizing the immense need for such equipment, our wonderful partner Ukraine Charity generously provided TulSun Foundation with the funds to purchase this interactive table for 151 disabled kids from the Fastiv Training and Rehabilitation Center.

This new equipment will significantly enhance the educational process for children with disabilities by:

• simplifying the understanding of educational materials;
• helping disable pupils overcome the communication barrier with the class and teacher;
• improving social interaction pathways with others;
• expanding the teacher’s capabilities in teaching children with special educational needs;
• instilling a love of learning.

We are incredibly grateful to Ukraine Charity for their generosity and support. Thanks to partners like these, social institutions can receive the necessary innovative equipment to improve inclusive education, which is already being successfully used around the world.

16 Children With Disabilities have Completed the І Stage of a Year-Long Rehabilitation Course. Parent Testimonials
Become a Force for Good: Help Ukrainian Orphans Stay Healthy
Medical Findings. Was the Year-Long, Four-Stage Rehabilitation Effective for the Three Children with Disabilities?

03038, Kyiv,

Protasiv Yar Street,

Building 8, Office 130



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