2nd Stage of Vaccinations – DONE!

Preventive vaccination is a child’s protection from certain diseases and a mechanism of formation of the future immune system.

According to the Order of MOH of Ukraine, a mandatory schedule of preventive vaccinations has been established for all children from the moment of their birth. But, unfortunately, not all parents follow it consciously.

Yesterday, within the framework of the “Healthy Journey” project, the second stage of vaccinations for children from Makariv District Center of Social Support for Children and Families “Promin Nadii” was successfully implemented.

The TulSun Foundation will do everything possible to keep socially vulnerable children healthy and happy.

16 Children With Disabilities have Completed the І Stage of a Year-Long Rehabilitation Course. Parent Testimonials
Become a Force for Good: Help Ukrainian Orphans Stay Healthy
Medical Findings. Was the Year-Long, Four-Stage Rehabilitation Effective for the Three Children with Disabilities?

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Protasiv Yar Street,

Building 8, Office 130



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