About Montessori Specialist in Project “Montessori for Everyone”

“Adults tasks are not only to teach, but to help the child in his development”. (c) Maria Montessori


Such simple but very important words. What do you think? Is it more important to help or teach children?


TulSun Foundation continues to work on the project “Montessori for Everyone” and it’s time to introduce you other part of our team who creates this project with us. This month we have started renovation of the future Montessori room, and our team has joined by some professionals, including a Montessori teacher.


Olga Savchenko is our educational consultant. She studied at the Borys Hrinchenko Kyiv University and obtained a higher education with a degree in “Pedagogy and Methods of Primary School”. After graduating Olga worked there as a senior lecturer at the Department of Pedagogy and Methods of Primary Education. She also received additional education at the Ukrainian Montessori Center and then worked in a children’s institution as a Montessori teacher.


Now Olga is actively engaged in the creation of the future Montessori room and in the future she will help teachers from the Mostishchen Special Secondary School – Boarding Level I-II to get basic knowledge of this methodology.


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03038, Kyiv,

Protasiv Yar Street,

Building 8, Office 130



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